Member-only story
Memoirs Are More Popular Than Ever
Memoirs have gained immense popularity, and there are several reasons why they resonate with readers.
Reading memoirs allow us to see perspectives outside of our own.
By delving into someone else’s life experiences, we gain empathy and compassion.
We can come to understand the world and different cultures and the human struggles we are share.
About 6 years ago, when I started to actively work with memoir writers, I decided, “Why not start a Facebook group?”
Thus was born Aspiring Memoir Writers.
I was excited to attract my first 100 members.
That was nothing to what I feel now that the group has grown to over 4,500 members!
I’m thrilled to see how active they are, how interactive they are with each other, how many of them are now published authors!
How did I even fall into this “thing?”
After I published my first memoir, Coming to Las Vegas, A true tale of sex, drugs & Sin City in the ’70s, it just seemed like one thing led to another.