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25 Life Events That Can Cause Dramatic Change in Your Life:
How did what happened change you?
It’s always been a given in fiction writing that the main character must experience some form of change by the end of the book.
So what does this have to do with the memoir you’re writing?
Personal experience leads to lessons learned.
Here are 25 life events that can cause dramatic change in your life:
1. Moving to a new city
2. Death of one or both parents
3. Travel to a foreign country
4. Abuse, physical and/or emotional
5. Falling in love (and getting married)
6. A near-death experience
7. Catastrophic illness
8. Divorce
9. Having children
10. Fire
11. Major surgery
12. Graduating from college or university
13. Getting your “dream job”
14. Getting fired
15. Death of a child
16. Rape
17. War